I know this is an opera blog but Parsifal couldn't but share his enthusiasm for the George Michael concert last night in Athens! Fantastic! All the tunes i loved the past 2 decades were heard, even the old "Wham!" ones, like "Everything she wants" and the "Edge of Heaven" (find the Athens track-list HERE). And what a show guys! I left the Olympic Stadium exhausted, voiceless from yelling but also speechless.
Highlights of the night: The Greek audience screaming repeatedly "Yorgos! Yorgos!" (George Michael's original greek name), George Michael apparently moved saying "it's the first time that i hear my name properly pronounced", George Michael wearing an immense greek flag and saying "we greeks can sing!" and many many more (i would need hours to put my thought in an order after last night)...I think the fotos speak for themselves!
Flawless! Absolutely Flawless!
You re just too funky for me...
Highlights of the night: The Greek audience screaming repeatedly "Yorgos! Yorgos!" (George Michael's original greek name), George Michael apparently moved saying "it's the first time that i hear my name properly pronounced", George Michael wearing an immense greek flag and saying "we greeks can sing!" and many many more (i would need hours to put my thought in an order after last night)...I think the fotos speak for themselves!
Flawless! Absolutely Flawless!
You re just too funky for me...
Όλα τα καλά παιδιά εκεί ήταν χθες!
Hello Parsi,
What a great surprise! I love George Michael too. My boyfriend and I went to Barcelona a year a go to see the beginning of his tour. We were there in his very first concert after 15 years of silence. It was a wonderful experience. Long live all things Greek!
Alex, you are always soooo sweet!!Well, it seems there has been always some kind of secret liaison between the Greeks and the Mexicans... American-born Greek Callas made 28!!! appearances in Mexico, far more than those of Spain, Portugal or the so-called German-speaking countries....
That's right dear Farinelli,
When I went to the "Palacio de Bellas Artes" in Mexico City, where Callas had sung so many times, I kneeled down and kissed the floor where she had delivered her most beautiful notes. It makes me feel proud that it was in my country where she sang in her best voice. Once again, long live all things Greek, and Mexican!
P.S. Have you noticed that I have a Greek name ("Alejandro")?? Wow, I just realized that!
Alejandro I've noticed since the beggining!
Yes and what a glorious name you have!
Εγώ δεν το είδα :( Κι όχι τίποτ' άλλο...έφυγες για Ζούμπερι, με εγκατέλειψες σχεδόν και δεν άφησες ούτε το ντιβιντι τουλάχιστον της Μαντόνα να βλέπω...όσο για το Μάικλ ας υποθέσουμε ότι του κράτησα μούτρα αυτή την φορά για την άρνηση που έτρωγε τόσα χρόνια με την Ελλάδα μας...κι εγώ ως γνωστόν αυτή την περίοδο υπηρετώ ως πιστός και φιλότιμος στρατιώτης. Το 3-μισή πώς σου φαίνεται;;;
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