Amazing! Isn´t it? Cecilia Bartoli with a sword!
“Soy la Indiana Jones de la lírica”
is what she actually said to El País some days ago!
[The question was: "You go through libraries looking for musical rarities. Are you a bit strange yourself too?" (the interviewer was playing with the word "raro" which means both rare and strange). And the answer was "I'm the Indiana Jones of opera (singing the theme from the Indiana Jones films)"]
Indiana Bartoli and the Temple of the trills.
I Bartoli se afti ti foto einai IDIA fatsikos me tin kathigitria pou me xeparthenepse persi sti sholi, kai gia na exigoumai enoo tin proti kathigitria se ola ta hronia mathitikis-spoudastikis karieras pou me ekopse se mathima (nai sta 30 mou kopika proti fora se mathima tragiko etsi?)
Apla tha borousa na fadasto kallista tin kathigitria mou afti me mastigio alla Indiana Jones kai olo auto se sindiasmo me tin foto tis Bartoli me othise na grapso afto to parallirimatiko sholio.
Ade vre kalo mas apogevma.
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Den mageirevoume akrivos san ton Ferran Adriá, alla sas perimenoume.
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