A sunny morning in Athens, a hug, a walk all around the old town (Plaka, Monastiraki, Thission), a hug, a stop just outside the Athenaeum (a cultural center that organises the Maria Callas Grand Prix), a hug, a beautiful Maria poster on the balcony, a hug...

Just raise your eyes a bit...And "she" is always there, old but regal, setting the frontiers of the city... (No hugs here)
Kala afto to poster einai ekei apo tote pou pethane i Callas alla thanks gia ti foto anyway.
Oooh Αθήνα μου λείπει τόσο πολύ! θυμάμαι όταν ήμουν εκεί, από στο Μοναστιρακι και περπατόυσα στην Ακρόπολι, και την πρώτη μέρα..."Maria!!! ciao!!!" πολλέσ πολλέσ photos μάλιστα! LOL
Parsi - love that last shot, reminds me of how much I love Athens and how much I want to get back for another visit.
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