Friday, January 11, 2008

I thank God for innovative ideas...

Guidato dal lugubre energumeno in un'Ade tipo cella frigorifera...

Orfeo scende negli inferi accompagnato da un becchino e il regno dei morti non è altro che una cella frigorifera della Morgue...

So, the Alagnas do only kewl stuff, stuff never done before, their minds are full of new ideas that are gonna change the opera world once and for all...????? And they actually imagined Hades, the netherworld, as a mortuary?

Athens, Greek National Opera, Orfeo ed Euridice, 2006-7

This is how stage director Steven Langridge and set designer George Souglides imagined the Underworld in Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice in January 2007.

***Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only.***


mahler76 said...

I ELS tora dikaionetai!!!! Ta megala lirika theatra tou kosmou mas adigrafoun!!! Meta tous kaliterous Olympiakous Agones, tora dinoume ta fota kai stin protoporia tis operatikis tehnis.
Dioti otan oi alloi trogan valanidia........

Anonymous said...

I really don't see what all the outrage is! Did the Alagna Brothers burn every existing copy of the original OEE? Is it never going to be performed the traditional way again now that they have so called "desecrated it"? So they put together a daring and perhaps radical interpretation of Gluck. Big deal opera world! Get over it!

Anonymous said...

Obviously I meant the above comment to be about the Alagna Brother's production.

Parsifal said...

It was quite obvious...I wouldnt have a problem with the production of only he could actually sing...