A young man, a great tenor, a very famous singer, Sergej Larin, born 1953 in Latvia, is no longer with us. Read more about him and watch these videos of him singing:
the Carmen final duo with Beatrice Uria-Monzon
Don José´s "La fleur que tu m'avais jeteé''
Turridu's "Mamma, quel vino é generoso''
Τώρα αρχίζω να βυθίζομαι σε κύμα ντροπής...Η μόνη όπερα που είδα φέτος ήταν η Carmen της Sally Potter και τίποτα ντόπιο δυστυχώς...Λες να πάω στην οπερέτα με Λοτσαρη;
Sally Potter ακούω...πήγαμε Λονδινάκι?? Πως ήταν η εμπειρία της English National??? Δε διάβασα πολύ καλά λόγια για την παραγωγή αν και οι εικόνες που είδα ήταν εντυπωσιακές...
PS. Eννοείται οτι διαθέτωμεν πειρατική ηχογράφηση της εν λόγω Κάρμεν...Παίζει και η "δικιά" μας Έλενα Ξανθουδάκη...
Είμαι εγώ ο μόνος που τον πιάνουν τα γέλια όταν ακούει τις παραστάσεις της ΕΝΟ -φευ- στα αγγλικά???
Really sorry to hear of his passing, and at 51 - such a young age! Thanks for posting the Youtube selections. The Turridu aria apparently is from last April in Bratislava, the city where he died a couple of days ago. I thought he was very good, except for a precarious high B near the end. The camera at one point was directly in front of his face, and one could see the pain in his eyes. Perhaps it was just acting, but... I understand that he had been ill for some years and stopped singing until quite recently. Poor guy, he must have suffered. May he rest in peace.
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