had to cancel his Manon in Vienna due to an accident that caused him a/some broken rib(s)?
This is what can be read at JK's unofficial website.
At the Vienna Staatsoper site there 's no mention about it but the cast has changed.
Massimo Giordano is gonna sing instead.
Chocolate bars, candies and best wishes to our patient...
*** As dear Marion (of JK's unofficial website) informs us, he didn't break his ribs, he bruised his ribs, which is bad enough***
My dear Parsifal. I probably should have added an English tranlation. He didn't break his ripps, he bruised his ripps which is bad enough.
Marion (who will not go to Vienna)
(I meant ribbs of course. Please correct, my English has been better already.)
Thanks Marion, you re quick as a thunder! (as always)
...and again wrong with the spelling, ribs not ribbs...
I think WSO should have included an explanation about the reasons behind the cast change.
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