And while the Greek National Opera is under occupation by some guys who think that the horrible theatre Olympia (that has been hosting the Greek National Opera for decades) is a symbol of plutocracy -like if it were the Palais Garnier or the Wiener Staatsoper- at the Athens Megaron that hosts the GNO's performances of Graham Vick's Tannhäuser, the audience last night had the once-in-a-lifetime chance to enjoy Wagner's long-lost opera
"Tann & Venus, grilled".
During Act I, and while the magic fire circle was lit,
(oh! wait, this is from another opera!),
some branches caught fire, the stage technicians started shouting for the curtain to fall, and John Treleaven, as a real Knight, saved his Venus (Lise Lindstrom) from the flames.
After 30 minutes, the curtain rose again and no fire effects were used throughout the performance - according to my sources no fire will be used for the last performance tomorrow as well.
"Tann & Venus, grilled".
During Act I, and while the magic fire circle was lit,
(oh! wait, this is from another opera!),
some branches caught fire, the stage technicians started shouting for the curtain to fall, and John Treleaven, as a real Knight, saved his Venus (Lise Lindstrom) from the flames.
After 30 minutes, the curtain rose again and no fire effects were used throughout the performance - according to my sources no fire will be used for the last performance tomorrow as well.
A eso se le llama jugar con fuego, y en un teatro de ópera...yo no dejaría encender ni una cerilla.
I saw Tanhausser two years ago in Bilbao
No fireworks involved but a magnificent Denoke played Venus and Elizabeth
Ειδα τον Τανχωυζερ στην πρεμιερα και προχθες την παρασκευη οταν επιασε φωτια.Ειναι καλη παραγωγη και δεν το αμφισβητει κανενας αυτο.Μουσικα με ενοχλησαν μερικα πραγματα κυριως απο την χορωδια,η οποια παρολα ταυτα νομιζω εκλεψε την παρασταση σε αρκετα σημεια.Θα μπορουσε σιγουρα ομως να ειναι πιο σωστη και τονικα και στον χρονο.Ο ηχος της ορχηστρας της ΕΛΣ ηταν τελειως διαφορετικος απ'ο,τι εχουμε συνηθισει.Ολα τα ασχημα βεβαια οφειλονται στη ελληνικη νοοτροπια του δημοσιου υπαλληλου.Νομιζω δινω 4/5 (οταν το μπαιροϊτ ειναι στο 6 βεβαια).
Αν το Μπαϋρώυτ ειναι στο 6 και η Λυρική στο 4, τότε μιλάμε για άθλο...
Αν ξέρατε τί τράβηξε ο Auguin για να κάνει την ορχήστρα να ακούγεται έτσι...
Θα σας πω μόνο οτι μερικά 24ωρα πριν την πρεμιέρα τους εξευτέλισε λεκτικά κ τους έβαλε να παίξουν ένας ένας. Κ βεβαίως γιαυτό κ η τζενεράλε έγινε κλειστή...
ax parsi mou, den milame gia EJEUTELISMO, milame gia EPAGGELMATISMO. An tous kk mousikous ths ELS den tous kaigetai karfi gia to ti kai pws to paizoun, profanws ton Auguin ton noiazei, H' ton noiazei ti 8a akousoun ta 8ymata pou plhrwsan eishthrio. H' pws 8a synergastoun oi "a8lioi twn a8hnwn" me tous tragoudistes ek metaklhsews. KAI KALA KANEI. Syggnwmh gia thn lektikh via alla gia piou ton ejeutelismo milame? Kapoiwn metriwn kai adiaforwn dhmosiwn ypallhlwn H o ejeutelismos tou syn8eth kai 2000 akroatwn ? Afou mono apo sxolikes me8odous katalabainoun oi sygxronoi "Orfeis", sxolikes me8odous as ypostoun! O Toscanini ekobe 2$ apo to merokamato ka8e mousikou ths NBC gia ka8e faltsa nota. An yphrxe h dynatothta auth sthn ellada, isws kai oi dikoi mas na noiazontan perissotero gia to pws paizoun.!
oxi pou nomizes oti de tha se anakalypta :P
na grapseis kai gia to xtesino "quiet"
Epeisodiakos aytos o Tan.
Agapite Parsifal, pou toso poli mas frondizis, olous emas tous latris tis Operas, tha ithela na kano mia diefkrinisi gia to thlivero episodio ston hthesino Tanhauser, etsi oste na min amavrothi adika to onoma athoon pedion.
Opos gnorizoume oli, osi parakolouthisame afti tin paragogi apo tis proves tis, ta pedia tis Rosarte ipirxan ipodigmatika stin sovarotita ke tin afosiosi tous. Distihos den sinevene to idio me ta 8 pedakia, ta opia anadionde apo tin gi sto telos tou ergou. Afta ta pedia- kata ton sholiasmo akoma ke ton enditrion tou Megarou, i opies ta ezisan apo poli konda - itan apitharha ke i epoptia tous itan epiikos ellipis. Afta akrivos ta pedia, lipon, ta opia kata tin krisimi stigmi vriskonde sto iposkinio perimenondas na emfanistoun, ekanan tin fasaria i opia akoustike toso ashima ke fisika exorgise ton Treleaven. Distihos, itan "an accident waiting to happen", opos tha elegan oli osi ihan embiria tis simberiforas tous sta paraskinia.
As min katigorithoun omos gi afto, alla pedia, kiriolektika axiothavmasta ke gia tin sovarotita ke gia tin pitharhia tous. Tha ine megali adikia.
To megalo dystyxima einai oti kapoioi twn kuriwn kai kuriwn tis orxhstras alla kai tis monimws faltsas xorwdeias ebrizan kai katargiontousan ton Auguin epeidh tous "ZORIZEI".H anikanothta twn ellhnwn mousikwn -o theos na tous kanei- den egkeitai sthn elleipsh talentou fysika alla sthn elleipsh peitharxias.Akoustikan polles fores sxolia tou typou "e kai ti thelei poia autos,den mas.."..Entaksei hmarton.Oso gia to "Quiet" nomizw oti htan ligaki yperboliko alla eprepe na ginei.Osoi doulepsan me tous anthrwpous tou megarou kai tis lyrikhs gia auth thn paragwgh kai einai afosiwmenoi s'ayto poy kanoun pisteuw oti latrepsan kai ton Auguin kai ton Vick.H paragwgh htan kataplhktikh alla to bairoit opws eipe o filos den einai sto 6 alla sto 10.
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