L' Elisir d' Amore - a production by Stephen Lawless under maestro James Conlon- opened at the LAO on September the 12th and features Nino Machaidze, Giuseppe Filianoti and barihunks Giorgio Caoduro (replacing R. Raimondi on short notice) and Nathan Gunn. Next performances on the 25, 27 & 30 Sept.

Watch the LAO promotional video
Listen to G. Filianoti - Nino Machaidze: Una parola o Adina

Giorgio Caoduro: Udite, udite, o rustici

G. Filianoti: Una furtiva lagrima

Finale of the opera (Ei corregge ogni difetto)

Great singing, however the real star of the Los Angeles Opera is currently
Giorgio Caoduro's Dachshund, the adorable Ortrud.

Watch the LAO promotional video
Listen to G. Filianoti - Nino Machaidze: Una parola o Adina

Giorgio Caoduro: Udite, udite, o rustici
G. Filianoti: Una furtiva lagrima
Finale of the opera (Ei corregge ogni difetto)

Great singing, however the real star of the Los Angeles Opera is currently
Giorgio Caoduro's Dachshund, the adorable Ortrud.

Fillianotti :S
Q? no te gusta Giuseppito? Mira las fotos mas abajo, de la Gala ;)
Wt about a post about singers' pets?
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