Here is something that i ´m sure most of you are unaware that it even exists! Angela Gheorghiu in a crossover repertoire with (hunky) Stefan Banica Jr. (whom i only know by name)! Its from a maxi single my parents brought me as a present from Bucharest last year ("Mom! I told you i wanted a Renato Bruson CD and not this crap!"). The song is called "Numele Tau" which means "Your name" and in the zip you ll find it sung in both romanian and english!
Ps. Its not the complete maxi single of course for copyright reasons but only the 2/5 of it...
Dedicated to Renato Bruson! (am i mean or what?!)
Download HERE
You can also watch the video HERE
And here are the lyrics (in romanian of course-any translation volunteer?)
Angela Gheorghiu & Stefan Banica jr - Numele tau
I: Stau la geam, privesc si ma gandesc
Vantul imi sopteste sa-ti vorbesc
Despre tot ce simt acum...
N-am idee de unde a inceput
Stiu atat, doar ca te-am vazut
Si-i deajuns...
Refren: Daca tot ce spun are vreun sens
Si daca n-o sa-ti para rau
Scrie-mi sus pe cer numele tau...
II: Sufletul aude vocea ta
Ochii-mi rad si incerc sa fac ceva
Sa gasesc perechea lor...
Inima imi bate in mod firesc
Ma anunta ca ma indragostesc
Si mi-e dor...
Refren:.. Daca tot ce spun are vreun sens
Si daca n-o sa-ti para rau
Scrie-mi sus pe cer numele tau...
III: Nu poate fi doar o intamplare
Cand te intalnesti cu cel pe care
Pe care-l astepti in viata ta...
IV: Luna-mi face semn ca e tarziu
Si as vrea cand ma trezesc sa fiu
Langa tine in zori de zi...
V: Soarele ne tine in palma sa
Si-ti raspund fara a ma intreba
Cine sunt...
Refren:.. Daca tot ce spun are vreun sens
Si daca n-o sa-ti para rau
Scrie-mi sus pe cer numele tau...
III:.. Nu poate fi doar o intamplare
Cand te intalnesti cu cel pe care
Pe care-l astepti in viata ta...
Refren:.. Scrie-mi sus pe cer numele tau...
Scrie-mi sus pe cer numele tau...
1 comment:
Hahahaha, I laughted hard!You are a talent! I like the way you comment!
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