As you might already have read @ OperaChic's, the critic of the Corriere della Serra prefered to review the alternative cast of the Roma Traviata. I don't know why, and the fact is that i dont really care...The good thing is that the alternative cast includes my Myrto! It's pretty brief, laconic i would say...Let's see what is said in the review:
Il soprano Myrto Papatanasiu ha timbro piacevolmente asprigno, ampia linea di canto, belle colorature ed equilibrio nell' impiego del «vibrato»
Thanks OperaChic for alerting...
Mias kai h Anghela to exei rixei sto elafro repertorio lately, th blepw na tragudaei ston reviewer ths Corriere della Sera "Pes pws m'agapas, pes mws me miseis, se parakalw monaxa mhn adiaforeis"!!!
ps Bravo sth dikia mas Myrtw!
Kalo sxolio Alma, gelasa me tin psixi moy!!!
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