Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Barenboim and West-Eastern Divan Orchestra flood the Plaza Mayor de Madrid

5000 spectators.

A star-conductor and an orchestra with musicians from Palestine, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and 26 andalucians.

Daniel Barenboim and his West-Eastern Divan Orchestra offered an open-air concert on the night of August the 5th at the Plaza Mayor of Madrid. Haydn's Sinfonia Concertante and Act I from Die Walküre were on the menu!

Angela Denoke as Sieglinde, Simon O´Neil as Siegmund and John Tomlinson as Hunding received the tremendous applause of the audience that flooded one of the most beautiful plazas in the world 3 entire hours before the beginning of the concert!

Sobre el escenario, Barenboim lanzaba miradas furtivas al público con una sonrisa cómplice a la vez que dirigía con batuta enérgica la orquesta de la concordia.

On stage, Barenboim was giving furtive looks to the audience with an "accomplice smile" while conducting with his energetic baton the concord orchestra.

A member of the audience said to the El País reporter:

"¿Wagner? Ni idea, hombre, no suelo ir a la ópera ni escucho música clásica, pero me gustó ese trozo de La Walkiria que sale en Apocalypse Now. Mi novia me dijo que iban a tocar otra parte de esa ópera esta noche, así que aquí estamos"

"Wagner? I have no idea, man, i don't go to the opera and I don't listen to classical music but I liked that piece of the Valkyrie that sounds in Apocalypse Now. My girlfriend told me that they would play another part of that opera tonight, and here we are!"

Isn't that what it's all about???

1 comment:

Kenderina said...

hehehe, yes, that's what it's all about . This is not complex maths ;)