Saturday, April 11, 2009

If only Cyrano knew...

That was a pretty busy week: 2 tenors' recitals and an opera in just 4 days!
Stavros Xarhakos opera "Cyrano et Roxane"
had it's international premiere in Athens on the
5th of April in a co-production of
the Greek National Opera with the
Théâtre Impérial de Compiégne.

And after 18 years of opera-going, I left during the intermission of a performance for the first time in my life (well, second actually).

I don't know whether it was my fatigue, my mood or my prejudice towards the composer but what I heard was a music drama a lot less inspired than Lloyd Weber's worst musicals, that within the first 30 minutes got me bored to death while certain parts even annoyed me with the stupidity and the lack of meaning and inspiration of the music that was a mix of: a little bit of french impressionism, a little bit of minimalism, a little bit of Xarhakos maniére of composing.

Congrats to all singers, at least for what I heard during this 1.5 hour that I survived this piece of art(not), totally worth of oblivion.


mahler76 said...

ήταν μια βραδιά που όλοι θα θέλαμε να ξεχάσουμε χαχαχα

Willym said...

I caught the Alfano Cyrano last year at Scala - mostly because it would probably be my last chance to see Domingo. There is something about Rostand's poetry that makes composers think it will make a good opera - the problem is that it is already an opera - the language itself sings without the need of anything extra.

fairy anonumous said...

Dear Willym
I cought also the same opera at Scala last February....
Despite that for me it is not one of the best operas, IT IS a real opera.
Needeless to say that every one has to stay at his field and not to cross electrical borders...
Xarchakos is just an "leger" composer of light popular greek music. What the hell could he do into the classical field???

The fact that an opera singer (Agnes Baltsa) sung his compositions, does not make him an opera composer!!!!!!!!!

I do not know if it is true, I have been told that he has even not a classical music knowledge...

Anonymous said...

xexe, tin eida tin patata na erxete kai ekana piso :-)))

Manolis Saridakis said...

Τι ακριβώς περιμένατε δηλαδή;;

mahler76 said...

@Manolis Saridakis
Μπουφέ, ωτοασπίδες, μάσκα προσώπου για τον ύπνο...