After many years of yearning, i finally found one of my Holy Grails! Dame Gwyneth in Athens, and one of the most beautiful opera-nights of my life! Dame Gwyneth was absolutely amazing and sang the most difficult repertoire. Unfortunately, i cannot find the program-book of the Recital so i can't provide you with details on the pianist or the exact date but i m sure that i ll find it...
The sound is mediocre and distant but it is listenable and its all we have! Dont expect the quality that Parsifal offers you..heheh.
Dame Jones sings Tannhauser, Wesendonck lieder, Elektra, Ariadne, some Strauss lieder but also Turandot, Tosca and Forza
So, here it is, at 3.00 pm sharp, Dame Gwyneth Jones in Athens
Enjoy, say thanks and write a comment!
I have heard that recordng. Dame G. Jones is a great lady of opera. Comments are unnecessary!
Εχω την Turandot της με τον Bonisolli και την Chrysothemis της με Ηλεκτρα τη Νιλλσον.Πρεπει να ειχε τη πιο δυνατη φωνη των τελευταιων 50 ετων.Ισως μονο η Φλαγκσταντ να μπορει να τη συναγωνιστει σε δυναμη.Το προβλημα ειναι οτι ειχε αναπτυξει ενα αθλιο βιμπρατο απο τις χαμηλες εως τις ψηλοτερες νοτες που ηταν ιδιαιτερα ενοχλητικο
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