Diana Damrau after her excellent "Glitter and be gay"
As read at the NY Times:
''There were two clean-up hitters on the program, Ms. DiDonato and Diana Damrau. It is hard to say who was better. Ms. DiDonato, having flown in from Switzerland for the day to pinch hit, evidently decided to make her trip worth everyone’s while, especially with an “Una voce poco fa” from Rossini’s “Barbiere di Siviglia” that was among the most spectacular vocal feats this listener has ever heard, thrown off with ease, a sense of fun and pinpoint control.
Ms. Damrau offered a “Glitter and Be Gay” from Bernstein’s “Candide” that was over the top in every sense, including the top of the staff, above which she floated with starry radiance. You might have called it too campy (and a little hard to understand) had she not had the vocal goods to back up her active wooing of the adoring audience.
Ms. Damrau even overshadowed Renee Fleming, who said something rueful about having such a hard act to follow before offering an attractive if rather unidiomatic “Poveri fiori” from “Adriana Lecouvreur.” It was in a duet from “Così Fan Tutte,” with Ms. DiDonato, that Ms. Fleming truly shone.''
Read Joyce DiDonato saying all about her thunder-trip Geneva-NY-Geneva in 29 hours HERE
Listen to Diana Damrau singing "Glitter and be gay" HERE
Listen to Joyce DiDonato singing one of the most marvellous Una voce poco fa HERE
PS. Renée Fleming came on stage to sing "Poveri Fiori" after Damrau´s "Glitter and be gay" and said to the audience: "Do I really have to follow that?" !!!!
Kai ena mikro galop. Pote pistevete tha aoousoume kati analogo stas Athinas?
Εχω μια υποψία αλλα νομιζω πως ποτέ....Αν κ κάποτε το Μεγαρο είχε κάνει κάποια Γκαλά που είχαν ενδιαφέρον κ με ονόματα (Plowright, Sheril Milnes, R. Raimondi, Dennis O' Neil etc). Παλιά όμως αυτά, οταν η Ματθαιοπούλου "κανόνιζε" από το Covent Garden k έφερνε μετακλήσεις...
To erotima mou einai vasika ritoriko giati ki ego fovamai pos gia na polausoume foveres erminies prepei na xenitefthoume...distoihos
Evala na katevainei kati to ipoloipo Gala. Gia na doume ti tha akousoume.
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